Würth Hydro
Plant engineering
Fittings brass / bronze
Angle 90 degree Rautitan LX plasterboard REH
Angle 90 degreee brass Rautitan LX/LX+G REH
Angle Rautitan LX/LX+G 90 degree with ET REH
Angle tran. 90dgr Rautitan RX+ stab. ET bronze REH
Angle tran. 90° Rautitan RX+ adap MeplaFix brz REH
Barrel nipple male/male brass finish EUC
Bend 45 degree SDR 11 REH
Bend 45 degree bronze FF 3120 VIE
Bend 45 degree bronze FF 3121 VIE
Bend 90 degree SDR 11 REH
Bend 90 degree brass FF reduced FIG.90R EUC
Bend 90 degree bronze FF 3090 VIE
Bend 90 degree bronze MF 3092 VIE
Bend 90 degree bronze with flange 3471 VIE
Bend Rautitan RX 45 degree bronze REH
Bend Rautitan RX 90 degree bronze REH
Bend Rautitan RX+ stabil 90 degree bronze REH
Bend T-piece Rautitan RX+ reduc. centr. bronze REH
Bend transition 90 dgr RT RX+ IT bronze REH
Bend transition 90 dgr Rautitan LX IT REH
Bend transition 90 dgr Rautitan RX+ IT bronze REH
Blanking plug Rautitan LX brass REH
Brass male/female reducer ring 0684 PIA
Brass nut nickel-plated with water seal EMF
Cap bronze F 3301 VIE
Compression fitting set Rautitan REH
Conex Comp. fitting F w/cyl. M thread 302 IBP
Conex Comp. fitting F w/tapered M thread 302TA IBP
Conex Compr. fitting F w/F thread 303 IBP
Conex Compression fitting F/F 301 IBP
Coupling sleeve with O-ring seal CAL
Cross connector bronze 3180 VIE
Cross-piece brass 90 degree FIG.180 EUC
DB-wall angle 90°RT RX+ w. thrgho a IT bronze REH
Double nipple 3280 VIE
Double screw in chrome-plated brass 0039 PIA
Extension bronze MF 3525 VIE
Extension in chrome-plated brass 0053 PIA
Female T-coupling in chrome-plated brass 0054 PIA
Female fitting for coupling with 680 and 679 CAL
Female/female 90degr elbow chrm-pl. brass 0055 PIA
Female/female elbow 90° Fig.90 brass EUC
Flat seat union with gasket CAL
Hexagon cap brass female FIG.300 EUC
Interm. coupling RT RX+ stable equal bronze REH
Interm. coupling Rautitan LX/LX+G reduc. brass REH
Interm. coupling Rautitan RX+ reduced bronze REH
Intermediate coupling RT RX+ reduced bronze REH
Intermediate coupling Rautitan LX/LX+G brass REH
Intermediate coupling Rautitan RX+ bronze REH
Intermediate coupling SDR 11 REH
Intermediate coupling reduced SDR 11 REH
L-joint for PE pipe TOF/G PE PUSH EFF
L-joint for PE pipe with ET TOF/G M PUSH EFF
L-joint for PE pipe with IT TOF/G F PUSH EFF
Long nipple bronze MM 3530 VIE
M-M nipple cylindrical EMF
Male fitting for coupling with 680 and 679 CAL
Male gas reducer/M24x1 chrome-pl. brass 0681 M PIA
Male/female 90degr elbow chrome-pl. brass 0055 PIA
Male/female elbow 90° Fig.92 brass EUC
Male/female extension brass finish EUC
Male/female extension in chrome-pl. brass 0051 PIA
Male/female reducing nipple Fig.241 brass EUC
Male/male reducing nipple Fig.245 brass EUC
Mi./through-T-piece Rautitan LX+G redu.-centr. REH
Nipple Fig.280 brass EUC
Nipple bronze 3531 VIE
Plug bronze M 3290 VIE
Plug bronze M 3291 VIE
Rautitan LX self-locking sleeve brass REH
Rautitan LX/LX+G tee fitting brass REH
Rautitan RX Reduced Bronze Tee Fitting REH
Rautitan RX t-connector equal bronze REH
Rautitan RX+ T-connector equal bronze REH
Reduced bronze Rautitan RX+ Tee connector REH
Reduced dbl screw in chrome-plated brass 0039R PIA
Reduced m./fem. extension in ch-pl brass 0052 PIA
Reducing nipple bronze 3245 VIE
Reducing piece bronze FM 3242 VIE
Reducing piece bronze MF 3241 VIE
Reducing sleeve bronze FF 3240 VIE
Reducing socket Fig.240 brass EUC
Reducing socket brass MF FIG.246 EUC
Screw con. f PE with reduced IT TOF/F RD PUSH EFF
Screw con. f. PE w. reduced ET TOF/M RD PUSH S EFF
Screw connection MF 3331 VIE
Screw connection bronze FF 3330 VIE
Screw connection bronze MF 3341 VIE
Screw connection elbow O-ring seal sleeve CAL
Screw connection elbow female thread O-ring CAL
Screw connection elbow male thread O-ring CAL
Screw connection elbow three-pieces MF PN 16 CAL
Screw connection female thread double O-Ring CAL
Screw connection for PE-pipe w. ET TOF/M PUSH EFF
Screw connection for PE-pipe w. IT TOF/F PUSH EFF
Screw connection male thread double O-Ring CAL
Screw connection straight f PE pipe TOF/B PUSH EFF
Screw connection straight three-pieces PN 16 CAL
Sleeve bronze 3270 VIE
Sleeve in chrome-plated brass 0053 PIA
Sliding self-locking sleeve SDR 11 REH
Socket brass female/female FF FIG.270 EUC
Solder-union terminal Rautitan RX+ bronze REH
Sound/heat insul. box Rautitan WA T-piece 90° REH
Sound/heat insulation box Rautitan 90 dgr w ET REH
Stop end with rim Fig.290 brass EUC
Str. MF fittings w/ch.-pl. brass swivel cap TIR
T-joint for PE with junction IT gas TOF/T PUSH EFF
T-piece RAUTITAN RX+ reduced bronze REH
T-piece Rautitan LX drain with IT brass REH
T-piece Rautitan LX oversized central brass REH
T-piece Rautitan LX reduced pass. brass REH
T-piece Rautitan LX+G drain reduced brass REH
T-piece Rautitan LX+G reduced-central brass REH
T-piece Rautitan LX/LX+G cent. pass reduc. brs REH
T-piece Rautitan LX/LX+G central IT brass REH
T-piece Rautitan LX/LX+G central reduced brass REH
T-piece Rautitan LX/LX+G reduced loop brass REH
T-piece Rautitan RX+ central IT bronze REH
T-piece Rautitan RX+ external thread bronze REH
T-piece Rautitan RX+ stable IT central bronze REH
T-piece brass 90 degree reduced FIG.130R EUC
T-piece bronze 3130 VIE
T-piece drain reduced SDR 11 REH
T-piece reduced with through-hole SDR 11 REH
T-screw connection for PE pipe TOF/T PE PUSH EFF
Tap extension bronze 3527 VIE
Tap extension bronze chrome plated MF 3526 VIE
Tee 90° Fig.130 brass EUC
Tee Rautitan RX+ reduced centre pass bronze REH
Tee fitting female thread Rautitan LX brass REH
Terminal Smart/Mono/Twin Rautitan LX link REH
Three-connector set for three parts incl. seal KLA
Transition Rautitan LX with union nut REH
Transition Rautitan LX/LX+G w. ET brass REH
Transition Rautitan RX+ ET bronze REH
Transition Rautitan RX+ stable with ET bronze REH
Transition with external thread SDR 11 REH
Tubofix fitting dual coupling ITS
Tubofix fitting female thread ITS
Tubofix fitting male thread ITS
Union flat seat FF with PTFE seal FIG.330 EUC
Union flat seat MF with PTFE seal FIG.331 EUC
Union terminal 90 dgr Rautitan RX+ ET bronze REH
Union terminal Rautitan LX/LX+G with IT brass REH
Union terminal Rautitan RX+ stable IT bronze REH
Union terminal Rautitan RX+ with IT bronze REH
Wall T-piece Rautitan RX+ central w. IT bronze REH
Wall angle 90° Rautitan LX/LX+G with IT REH
Wall angle 90° long Rautitan RX+ IT bronze REH
Wall angle 90° short Rautitan RX+ w. IT bronze REH
Wall angle 90°Rautitan RX+ plst brd pl bronze REH
Wall bracket 90 degree Rautitan LX long IT REH
Reducing socket Fig.240 brass EUC
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The packaging unit defines the number of articles in one packaging. In the catalog segment you can choose from different packaging units if a pop-up menu is displayed.
Just leave the field empty if you don't know the packaging unit when directly entering the article number in the shopping basket or when importing with Easy-/VarioScan. The packaging unit will be determined automatically.
Just leave the field empty if you don't know the packaging unit when directly entering the article number in the shopping basket or when importing with Easy-/VarioScan. The packaging unit will be determined automatically.
The article number is made up of the following: VVVVAAABBB
VVVV = 4 digits for prefix number (please note that the first digit is currently always 0)
AAA = 3 digits for dimension part 1
BBB = 3 digits for dimension part 2
Example article number structures:
Example 1: Screw with dimensions of 4x10 mm:
00574 10 (2 spaces between the 4 and the 10)
Example 2: Screw with dimensions of 10x20 mm:
005710 20 (1 space between the 10 and the 20)
Example 3: Flat washer with an internal diameter of 6 mm:
VVVV = 4 digits for prefix number (please note that the first digit is currently always 0)
AAA = 3 digits for dimension part 1
BBB = 3 digits for dimension part 2
Example article number structures:
Example 1: Screw with dimensions of 4x10 mm:
00574 10 (2 spaces between the 4 and the 10)
Example 2: Screw with dimensions of 10x20 mm:
005710 20 (1 space between the 10 and the 20)
Example 3: Flat washer with an internal diameter of 6 mm:
Price per packaging unit (PU):
The displayed price is always in line with the displayed packaging, if the PU is 250 the price for 250 units, if the PU is 300 the price for 300 units.
Price with price key representation (PSL):
The price always applies to a quantity ruled through the price key:
Price for 1 unit
Price for 100 units
Price for 1000 units
The displayed price is always in line with the displayed packaging, if the PU is 250 the price for 250 units, if the PU is 300 the price for 300 units.
Price with price key representation (PSL):
The price always applies to a quantity ruled through the price key:
Price for 1 unit
Price for 100 units
Price for 1000 units
The quantity shows the number of pieces or units of measure contained in the order or delivery for the respective article.
In contrast to sales packaging and secondary packaging, the disposal costs for chemical-technical products are shown separately. The breakdown of the individual costs can be found on the relevant products and also in the shopping cart, as well as in our General Terms and Conditions (GTC).